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Our new single “Raise Your Glasses High” has been available on all streaming platforms since 05.07.2024. You’ve also been busy clicking and playing the song on a continuous loop. Many thanks for that! The matching music video will be released on YouTube on 09.07.2024.

Raise Your Glasses High

Music video for “Raise Your Glasses High” will be released on 09.07.

Raise Your Glasses HighThe official music video for our single “Raise Your Glasses High” was released on 09.07.2024. The music video was actually created in just one day. Hard work for everyone involved on set. At this point, a huge thank you to our dear Mia, who once again managed the shoot in an absolutely meticulous and creative manner. And a big, big thank you to all the extras (around 30) who brought the best party atmosphere to a popular Gevelsberg pub. And that on a Sunday at 3.30 pm. Hats off!

We started with a supermarket scene to which our dear grandma Erna 123 (no joke, that’s her real name) gave the party edge. Together with a few other extras experts, she really let it rip.

We were desperately looking for a Grandma Erna 123 website. Unfortunately she only has a TikTok account:)) Watch the video because of her too. Grandiose. We love Grandma Erna!

What else is in the music video for “Raise Your Glasses High”?

We don’t want to give too much away. But one thing is certain: the song and the video are unbearable when sober. “Raise Your Glasses High” creates an absolute party atmosphere and is perfect for chasing away the gloomy clouds of everyday life. Fancy more? Click here!

Watch the official video
Raise Your Glasses High

Watch the exclusive teaser for the new music video

If you don’t want to wait that long or don’t want to click away, you can watch the teaser for the music video “Raise Your Glasses High” here. Experience a first taste of the upcoming video and let the energy infect you: Celebrate life together and raise your glasses high!

And maybe you’ll click further after all.

Raise Your Glasses High

New single "Raise Your Glasses High"

Stream our new single
“Raise Your Glasses High”
now on your streaming platform.

Listen now
Raise Your Glasses High