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OLD GANG'S HERALDVolume 14 | 23-02
Streetteamer wanted for 2023
Streetteamer wanted for 2023
In 2019, we launched the Streetteam. Selected gang members who distributed flyers for our shows in their city or in the surrounding area. As a thank you there is always a goodie from us. For 2023 we are again looking for hard-working Streetteamers to display flyers for our shows in their cities. (more…)
tom__o__bass28. February 2023
PhotosWake The Rebels
28.09.2023 Munich
28.09.2023 Munich
📸 The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats rocked Munich! 🍀 The energetic Irish folk punk band, The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats, rocked the backstage in Munich on September 28, 2023. (more…)
tom__o__bass30. October 2023
OLD GANG'S HERALDVolume 17 | 22-05
New single “DANCE FOR ME” to be released on YouTube this Thursday
New single “DANCE FOR ME” to be released on YouTube this Thursday
Popular Irish folk-rock band The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats release their rousing new single "Dance for me". Watch now on YouTube! (more…)
tom__o__bass23. May 2023