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Volume 12 | 22-12

Gang - SZ OR Festival 0275
That was 2022 – The Year in Review OLD GANG'S HERALDVolume 12 | 22-12

That was 2022 – The Year in Review

Annual Review 2022 In a short photo gallery, we review the year 2022. We promise that in this retrospect there will not be the "you know" word of recent years. JANUARY The year got off to a really good start. Ian couldn't believe his eyes and feet as he stood ankle-high in the water at the beginning of the year. The rehearsal room had to be renovated and the samples had to be moved to a warehouse. Great start to the year!The rehearsal room shone again in new splendour in a very short time. FEBRUARY Russia invades Ukraine on Putin's orders. Fuck War! A sad month for humanity. MARCH Sean cannot play the concerts with the band for private reasons. Paddy takes over the role of the frontman first temporarily, later permanently, as it turned out.At Spotify, we break the magic barrier of 300k listeners per month.The first shows of the year are coming up. Stuttgart still under 2G and…
31. December 2022